State & Federal Legislator Advocate Resources
Building relationships and championing Community
Health Center priorities
When Community Health Center staff, patients, Board members and partners engage with lawmakers to share their stories, change becomes possible. Elected officials rely on subject matter experts, like patients and clinic staff, to understand complex issues and identify shared solutions. Connect with WPHCA staff to share your story, discuss a public policy issue, or get involved with advocacy efforts.

Know your Elected Officials
Find your State Senator and State Assembly Representative using this virtual Wisconsin legislative map. Federal lawmakers, known as Members of Congress, are available here. WPHCA is available to help Community Health Center champions engage productively with elected officials, providing training, talking points, environmental analysis, and more.
Lawmaker District Profiles
Lawmaker-specific District Profiles map the elected official’s district and illustrate where Community Health Centers are located in their area, along with statistics regarding constituents served.